The Ability of God’s Word
One of the great themes of the scriptures is “the ability of God’s word.” Consideration of this subject can have many beneficial spiritual effects upon our lives. Our vision of God’s word can be increased. Our faith in His word can be strengthened. Our appetite for the Bible can be intensified. Our capacity to minister the word to others can be enlarged. Furthermore, our interests in the mere words of man can be radically decreased.
The Character of the Scriptures
Hebrews 4:12 indicates that the ability of God’s word is related to it’s character. “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” This passage first tells us of the character of the word. Once that is established, it is clear why the word is so capable of doing wondrous things.
Living, Powerful, Sharp
“For the of God is living.” The scriptures are not dead religious literature. They are the words of the living God. For the development of spiritual life and vitality, we want to be feeding on the words of the Lord, not the sayings of Aristotle or Sigmund Freud or Charles Darwin or John Bradshaw or Carl Sagan or Tony Robbins.
“For the word of God is powerful.” The Bible is not a compilation of inactive words lying upon pieces of paper. Rather, it’s words are active, filled with the force of God’s power in every statement. This is unlike the pronouncements of man, which lack any true life-changing dynamic.
“For the word of God is sharp.” Whereas the words of man have a dullness that prevents them from penetrating into the unseen places of the human heart, God’s word can cut like a sword into the deepest recesses of the inner being.
Dividing Soul and Spirit
“…piercing even to the division of soul and spirit…” Sorting out the difference between soul and spirit is vital. Without this distinction, we will not know whether we are operating by the flesh or by the Spirit. We will not know how necessary it is to draw upon the resources of God for daily Christian living. We will be left with the inadequate capabilities of mere humanity. The word of God alone can provide this distinguishing insight.
Dividing Joints and Marrow
“…(even to the divison) of joints and marrow…” Here is another strategic separation. The marrow and joints of the physical life speak of the inner supplying of life (marrow) and the outward utilizing of life (joints). Without this spiritual clarification, we would mistakenly assume that the Christian life depended upon how hard we tried to word for God (that is, “maintaining active spiritual joints”). Instead, we learn that authentic Christian living hinges upon continually finding Christ as our source of inner life, which we then can work out in daily walk and service. Only the scriptures are able to reveal such truths to us.
Discerning Thoughts and Intents
“…and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart…” Here again, we have a vital evaluation that man needs. How can people discern the true character of thoughts and motivations, whether our own or those to whom we minister? God’s word sharply penetrates deep into the heart and mind of all who hear it. Then, the Spirit of God uses His word to convict or confirm these hidden deliberations inside of man.
Changing Lives
When the scriptures point out aspects of our lives that need to be changed, we can also count on the word of God to work upon us and within us to bring about those required transformations. Psalm 19:7-8 indicates the kind of changes God’s word can effect. “The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple; The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.”
Again, the character of the word is the basis of the ability of the word. God’s word is perfect, sure, right, and pure. Consequently, it is able to change lives by bringing spiritual restoration, giving divine wisdom, producing inner joy, and supplying godly understanding.
Sanctifying and Cleansing Lives
God wants to set our lives apart for Himself, as well as make them pure. He uses His word to accomplish such goals. Ephesians 5:26 declares that Jesus died on the cross “that He might sanctify and cleanse (His redeemed people) with the washing of water by the word.” The Lord desires to pour the living water of His word over our lives through reading and study and proclamation. The results will be the impurities of the world are regularly washed away and our lives are devoted more and more to His purposes and His glory.
Producing Fruitful Lives
Psalm 1:1-3 describes a person who rejects the values and life-style of the ungodly, and instead, “his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night.” This attention and allegiance to the scriptures causes a life of abundant fruitfulness to develop. “He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.”
Building Lives of Faith
One of the wonderful abilities of the word of God is that it can build faith into our lives. “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17). The growth of faith is so important in the life of a disciple of Jesus Christ. Yet, we cannot cause our faith to increase by merely willing it to be so. However, as we spend time listening to what God has to say to us in the Bible, His words will strengthen our faith in Him.
Revealing Christ to Lives
The greatest ability of God’s word is that it reveals the Lord Jesus Christ to those who are willing to seek Him. In John 5:39-40, Jesus told the Bible-searching experts of Israel, “You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me. But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life.” The scriptures can give to us a clear revelation of Jesus, if we are willing to go there to meet Him. Those who are merely on a quest for religious information will not see Him clearly in His word, nor will they receive the spiritual life that He alone can give.
In this day and age, we are watching the hope of the church shifting away from the word of God to the words of man. We desperately need to reconsider “the ability of God’s word.” If we will go to the word to encounter the Lord Jesus Christ, He will be revealed to us in a life-giving way. Furthermore, in the life that He gives us through His word, we will find the manifold ability of the word of God unleashed toward us in heavenly effectiveness. May we each be vessels of the Lord, shaped by His word to proclaim and to demonstrate what the word of God is able to do!
(This article is an excerpt from the book The Ability of God’s Word, by Bob Hoekstra.)
Now Available
Bob Hoekstra’s new book, Trials, Difficulties and Impossibilities, is now available to order @
LICM Radio Program
The Living in Christ radio program continues to air on stations around the country. For a complete list of current stations, please visit our website at The radio program can also be accessed online on our Youtube Channel.
Publishing of More Books
Please join us in prayer as we continue to seek the Lord for His wisdom and provision in the printing of more of Bob’s audio studies into book format.
Prison Ministry
Bob’s books are being used mightily in the prisons, as we continue to send books to prisoners through International Prison Ministry (the ministry of Bob’s father, Chaplain Ray). The Spanish version of Chaplain Ray’s book, What Must I Do To Be Saved? (¿Que Debo Hacer Para Ser Salvo?) is now available to order @
Your Books Have Helped Me So Much!
Dear LICM,
Mr. Hoekstra’s book, Counseling God’s Way, explains all of this in a way I’ve never seen before! Most modern Christian books are filled with popular psycho babble that is currently part of the “self-help” world. It was so refreshing and such a relief to find a source to confirm what I suspected – “therapy,” if it’s not Scriptural, is just one more of Satan’s traps. I will refer people to this wonderful book! Your books have helped me so much!
— Sister-in-Christ
Relying on God’s Word & Not the World
Dear LICM,
I just finished the study “God’s Sufficiency for Godly Living.” It really woke me up about relying on God’s word and not the world. I would love any similar studies you provide.
— Brother-in-Christ
I Gained Knowledge and Wisdom
Dear LICM,
I just read the book Knowing God by Bob Hoekstra. It has helped me a lot with my journey with Christ. I gained knowledge and wisdom – such great doctrine! May God bless Living in Christ Ministries.
— Brother-in-Christ
“For the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword…” – Hebrews 4:12
Do you know that every time we come to the Scriptures, it is as if we were sitting before the Creator-Redeemer Himself, allowing Him to express His very heart and mind to us? What God has to say to us and the rest of humanity has already been said, and His message has been wonderfully recorded in the written Word of God.
God’s Word is as relevant and powerful today as when it was first spoken, because His words have behind them all the nature and character of God. His Word has the ability and is more than sufficient to bring radical change into our lives.
Knowing God
The #1 priority in your life reveals what motivates you, sustains you, and that for which you are willing to sacrifice all else. Pastor Bob teaches that knowing the Lord should be the highest priority in our lives.
The Ability of God’s Word
God’s Word is as powerful as when it was first spoken, because His words have behind them all the character and nature of God. Bob Hoekstra points out the ability of God’s word to radically change lives.
Psychologizing of the Faith
Many Christians still rely on the human experts who have been trained in psychological theory for counseling and direction for their lives. In this book, Pastor Bob Hoekstra calls the church to leave the broken cisterns of human wisdom and return to the fountain of living water flowing from our wonderful counselor, Jesus Christ.
How to Counsel God’s Way
A tragic growing crisis is facing the Lord’s church. Churches and church leaders are forsaking God’s way of counseling and turning to man’s ways. This book is a call for God’s people to return to Jesus as our Wonderful Counselor, so that we may avoid the pitfalls of following after man’s wisdom, and trust the Lord Jesus and His infinite, reliable riches that are ours in Christ.
Day by Day by Grace (365 Daily Devotions)
God wants us to know His grace. He wants us to learn about it and experience it in our lives. In these devotionals. Pastor Bob explains that God’s grace is much more than forgiveness and new birth. God’s grace is much more than sufficient to give us abundant life and much more than what it necessary to change our lives.
Day by Day by Grace (90 Daily Devotions)
God wants us to know His grace. He wants us to learn about it and experience it in our lives. In these devotionals. Pastor Bob explains that God’s grace is much more than forgiveness and new birth. God’s grace is much more than sufficient to give us abundant life and much more than what it necessary to change our lives.
(Also available in Spanish)
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